7 Organizations Focused on Closing the Gender Gap in IT

7 Organizations Focused on Closing the Gender Gap in IT

Why aren’t more females taking prominent tech leadership roles?

The technology industry is mainly comprised of men. After two decades of emphasis on STEM and later its offspring STEAM, the chasm appears to be as wide as ever when hiring female tech talent. Only one out of every four hires is a woman.

The diversity gap results from several factors. However, trying to attract female tech talent to your job posts may not be the main issue. Instead, we need a holistic approach of encouraging women at all levels to explore and develop their interests in technology.

Who Is Closing the Gender Gap in IT

Many key organizations have made it their mission to empower and support female tech talent in nontraditional roles.

Here are seven notable organizations that empower women and provide them with the support necessary to excel in technology:

  1. Black Girls Code – Devoted to creating an engineering pipeline for black girls, this organization offers clubs and programs that educate and support girls interested in coding.
  2. Girl Develop It – Offers classes, community, and opportunities (like their annual hackathon) for women and non-binary adults.
  3. Made with Code – A Google project aiming to teach middle and high school girls coding skills.
  4. MotherCoders – Supports women who are mothers, helping them onboard and thrive in tech leadership.
  5. Switch – Provides capital, community, founder, and workplace support for women in technology.
  6. TechLadies – Assists women in finding and accessing technology leadership opportunities.
  7. Women 2.0 – Takes a global approach to helping women succeed in a digital world.

The critical element in every one of these organizations is their focus on support for women wanting to succeed in a digital environment.

How Women Can Turn IT Leadership into a Career

Choosing to stay the course in technology leadership isn’t always a clear path for many women. Many obstacles can prevent them from developing a lengthy career in this industry, including being one of few female tech leaders in an organization or simultaneously serving as the family caregiver and working.

Women who want to turn IT leadership into a satisfying career can do so by getting involved:

  • Advocating for gender inclusivity and using influence to help hire and onboard female tech talent.
  • Vocalizing the need for women to earn the same salaries as their male counterparts (women often earn one-third less).
  • Mentoring other females in similar positions or those considering going into tech leadership roles.
  • Serving as a role model for girls in school showing women’s ability to flourish with technology degrees.
  • Getting involved in one of the above organizations.

Another way to establish yourself as a female tech leader is to broaden your professional network. Use social media as a platform and remember to include experienced recruiters as part of that network.

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