How well prepared are you for your IT Project Manager interview?
Like most candidates, you’ve probably been practicing your answers to standard IT PM questions like:
- “Do you have experience managing teams and delivering results?”
- “Are your projects delivered on time and within budget?”
- “Are you familiar with IT project management tools for tracking your team’s progress?”
Can you answer open-ended questions like:
- Tell me about yourself?
- Why do you want to work for our company as an IT Project Manager?
- What is a Governance Framework for an IT project?
Knowing how to provide direct and complete answers to questions can help you ace your IT Project Manager interview.
Extend your answers in your IT Project Manager Interview
IT Project Management recruiters coach hiring companies on how to ask questions, and they coach candidates on how to respond.
Hopefully, the interviewer has open-ended questions for you. These questions require more than a yes or no answer; you are encouraged to reveal your problem-solving skills and give insight into who you are s a person.
The interviewer may ask, “What tools do you use to manage IT projects?” This operational question helps the interviewer understand how you do your job — from planning to managing the team and meeting deadlines.
Answer an operational question with specific examples that give a direct response. My Interview Practice recommends this answer:
“When managing complex IT projects, I employ methodologies including Agile, Lean, and Waterfall. Using these frameworks, I can keep a project on schedule and under budget. The frameworks also help me identify the project milestones and correct any errors or mistakes before they have a larger impact on the overall project.”
Your response demonstrates knowledge of the project management process and shows you’re familiar with current methodologies. It also allows for deeper questioning, such as “Do you have a preferred methodology?”
Again, be direct and concise: “Rather than use a preferred methodology in project management, I use what’s appropriate for the project. For example, . . . . ” Then drill down and explain the use of that methodology.
More tips for acing the interview
You’re putting your best foot forward and trying to make a memorable impression when you interview. Recruiters recommend that you:
- Dress appropriately for the company culture, and if you are unsure what this might be, ask your recruiter.
- Arrive 15 minutes before your interview starts to offset possible traffic or parking delays.
- Focus on the person asking the question by looking at them.
- Be prepared for questions about motivating team members, handling conflict, and taking on challenges. You may even get asked an unusual question (“How many tennis balls can a giraffe eat?”) just to see how well you think on your feet.
- Thank the interviewer for their time and follow up with a thank-you note.
You’ll be glad you prepared so well for your IT project manager interview.
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