4 Qualities to Look for When Choosing Your Next Project Manager

Project managers are versatile professionals who often juggle many hats at once. Because of the varied tasks project management entails, it can often be difficult to pinpoint the exact characteristics that make for a great leader in the industry. Companies often focus on the mechanics of the position when choosing a project manager but miss the mark on uncovering the other qualities that make for effective IT project manager leaders.

What are the qualities that matter most when looking for your next project manager? Here is a list of four of the top qualities of a successful IT project management professional.


Communication is arguably the most important trait of an effective project manager. They must be able to not only effectively communicate with their teams about expectations, goals and performance issues, but also with clients about initiatives, progress and challenges.

At the end of the day, it’s the project manager that serves as a bridge between the team and clients or stakeholders. Without the ability to effectively communicate, that bridge weakens which can compromise the quality and integrity of the project.

Enthusiasm for the Profession

Project managers need to possess the ability to keep their teams moving forward, even when challenges and roadblocks present themselves. It’s near impossible to do this without a true enthusiasm for the work they do.

Enthusiasm and passion are contagious. A project manager that maintains an optimistic attitude and presents themselves as a leader who enjoys their job generates the same energy from their teams.

Direction and Delegation

It’s important for project managers to understand how to balance direction and delegation. Some have a hands-off attitude where they put themselves solely in a management role where all tasks are delegated. Others take such a hands-on approach their professional resources aren’t being used effectively.

A successful project manager knows when to direct, when to delegate and when to work side by side with their teams.

Problem Solver

If there’s one guarantee in project management, it’s that problems will arise – no matter how much effort you put into trying to avoid them. Project managers should feel confident and capable in providing to solutions to any problem that occurs.

This isn’t necessarily a trait that’s related to experience in project management. A freshly minted professional in the field with exceptional problem-solving skills can be a better fit for the position than an experienced project manager that has a less-than-stellar track record at tackling challenges.

Find the Project Manager You’re Looking for Today

The project manager you bring on board can determine the success of your organization. You need the best, and we have the staffing solutions to provide the perfect candidate for the job. Contact PMO Partners and let us introduce you to your next top project manager today.


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